Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Mortgage Rates Rising in 2014

You’ve likely seen the signs in your neighborhood of the market returning to stability. There are less for-sale houses, your neighbors are refinancing due to historically low interest rates, and some are even finally able to check items off renovation lists. While this apparent boom in activity seems fantastic, in reality, it’s not all positive.

In June of 2013, the federal government announced intentions to eventually pull back on monetary easing, which caused an artificial spike in interest rates. While they are still “historically low” compared to 15 or even 10 years ago, over the past six months, interest rates have risen drastically—at times upwards of 1 percent. While this change will cause our economy to move in the right direction, it will only cause interest rates to increase.

This change is upon us. Starting in January of 2014, the federal government began pulling back investments in securities, and will continue to do sto the tune of $10 billion per month.

With the decrease in government funded securities and increase in interest rates, states with large residential markets began to realize immediate effects. Suppliers have now taken the opportunity to raise costs to recoup from the past five-plus years they’ve spent barely keeping their heads above the water.

These costs have started to trickle into neighboring states and will soon be the norm nationwide. What does this mean for homebuilders? It means an increased cost of doing business, and in turn, increased home values.

Over the next six to nine months, you have the opportunity of a lifetime to do what you’ve always dreamed of: building your own home. While interest rates are on the rise (up about 1 percent from 3.35 – 4.5 percent), they are still low in the mid-four percentile. It’s the perfect time.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Home

What are your New Year’s Resolutions for 2014? Planning to lose some weight? Perhaps visit family more often? Donate your time to charity? These are all great resolutions, but don’t forget about your home!

A recent article on HGTV cited five great resolutions for your home, and we just had to share them:

1.  Streamline the stuff. We all become subject to a little clutter, especially after the holiday months – so why not declutter your home in the New Year? By scheduling regular purgings of your cabinets, basement bins, and under the bed crevasses (don’t deny it!), you’ll be able to live a cleaner, more organized life. Imagine being able to find that thing you were looking for, without having to spend an hour looking for it.

2.  Make it safe and sound. Now that you’ve worked hard to declutter your home, it’s time to make sure it’s a safe place to live. Maybe it’s time to replace fire and CO2 alarm batteries. Also, did you know lint backed up in your dryer could be a fire hazard?

3.  Shrink your bills. It doesn’t take much to lower your energy bills each year, so start with some of these easy to employ tips:

          a. Install fluorescent bulbs
          b. (Unless you suffer from outdoor allergies) dry some of your clothes outside on a line
          c. Turn off power strips during the day
          d. Switch off lights when you leave a room
          e. Give composting a try

4.  Work out a weekly system for keeping your house clean. This is one of our favorites, because it’s an easy way to give everyone in your home a share of the duties in keeping your house clean and wonderful. Throw dishes in the dishwasher every night, put dirty clothes in hampers and not on the floor, and hang clean clothes in the closet every night. On a weekly basis, try focusing on one type of cleaning each week. Maybe one week it’s fingerprints on surfaces, and the next it’s windows and mirrors. Remember – divide and conquer!

5.  Get your place ready for entertaining! So maybe you did decide spending more time with family is on your resolution to-do list – so how about having them over more to your own humble abode? Even the smallest upgrades can make your home feel more inviting, such as a fresh coat of paint, adding a few plants to keep the air fresh, and rearranging furniture to be more conducive to conversation.