Rhododendron. Yes,
the beautiful purple/pink flowering plant also known as both West Virginia and
Washington’s state flower. Swallowing any part of this plant will cause you to
drool, cause your eyes to water, and if that doesn’t get you feeling yucky
enough, you’ll soon start to vomit. Stay away from this plant if you can.
Hydrangea. Similar
to the rhododendron in its use, when swallowed, hydrangea’s poison will cause
shortness of breath, fainting, and a rapid pulse. Along with a drop in blood
pressure, the plant can cause convulsions and in some cases, death.
This plant will make you sick and will even cause you to hallucinate with just
one small bite. It has also been tied to cardiovascular issues that have, in
some cases, lead to coma and death.
Foxglove. Often used
to deter deer (because of its foul taste and adverse affects on the digestive
system), the plant, obviously, will not sit will with your (or your pet’s)
digestive system. If ingested in large amounts, the plant will lower your heart
rate and/or cause an irregular rhythm. Sound fun? We didn’t think so.
Oleander. This
pretty white flower has a beautiful scent, but is also extremely deadly,
especially to infants and small children. One leaf contains enough toxins to be
lethal, as the poison first affects the digestive system, then moves along to
the central nervous system. Definitely stay away from this plant.
Mistletoe. While
this plant is more common during the holidays, it’s still important to note
that all parts of mistletoe are toxic. Not very romantic, indeed. Ingesting
mistletoe will cause gastroenteritis and in some cases, cardiovascular
collapse. The berries are particularly toxic to pets, so be mindful of fallen
Water Hemlock.
Common all across Northern America in the wild, water hemlock’s poison is so
deadly it can be fatal within the first 15 minutes of ingestion.
If you have questions about any flowers or shrubs you’d like
to plant around your home, run a quick online search to make sure what you’re
planting is safe. The helpful folks in any superstore garden section are also
great resources.
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